Each current Veturilo user received a message from us where we explained three possibilities at their disposal. First two options allow for the further use of city bikes as part of Nextbike-operated systems. In both cases it will be possible to continue using the Veturilo application. The difference between these two possibilities concerns personal data administering and the entity with which the agreement will be concluded. In one case it will be Nextbike while in the other case - the city of Warsaw. In both cases the transfer of all funds to a new account will occur – you can be sure of this! The third option involves closing the account and reimbursement of funds available on that account. In this case, after clicking the right button on the website sent in an email (www.zdecyduj.Veturilo.waw.pl) you will be directed to a reimbursement form and once you have submitted it you will receive an information about your submission realization and its estimated deadline.
In order to rent a bike you need to fill out the registration form by means of the Veturilo application or on the website. Then, accept the Terms of Service and top up your account with an initial fee of 10 PLN or else define payment card as your form of payment. After registration you will obtain an email containing a verification link which confirms your user data – clicking on it will cause account activation. From that moment onwards bike rentals will be available. Registration may also be carried out by contacting our 24/7 hotline.
Yes, if they are at least 13 years old and a parent or legal guardian gives permission. The consent must be scanned and sent electronically/paper to the operator's address. The consent template is available in the TERMS OF SERVICE tab. When registering, you must provide the details of the minor who will use the account.
You will recharge the account after logging into the mobile application or website. Available payment methods include payment by card, bank transfer or BLIK.
In case when fees calculated for a given ride exceed the available amount on the account, your account will be inactive until settling these payments. The account should be topped up within 7 days to reach the minimum of 0 PLN balance on the account. In order to rent another bike, top up the account with an amount of at least 10 PLN. In case of credit cards being connected to the account the funds for bike rental are charged automatically and the account activity does not change.
Yes, the initial fee is repayable and it also constitutes the first payment towards rentals.
Start the mobile application or visit the website and use the option “FORGOT PIN?”.
Make sure that you completed the registration process, that is, you entered all required data on the account and clicked on the activation link received by email. If you are having trouble finding the email message from us, check your spam folder or contact us. The email message is sent from [email protected].
The account is active provided that a minimum of 10 PLN remains on the account.
The account is active provided that a minimum of 10 PLN remains on the account.
In case of using several accounts registered with the same telephone number the account is each time selected on the basis of an entered PIN number. If the same PIN number is assigned to different accounts, you will be logged to the first account you registered. Generating PIN number causes assignment of a new code also for the oldest account. To change the PIN number for the selected account please contact our 24/7 hotline or submit an enquiry through our contact form.
Setting up an account in one system allows you to use bicycle rentals in other cities, as long as these systems allow this possibility.
You can send your instruction to delete your account by email or letter. Remember! Before deletion, replenish the funds on your account to a balance equal to 0 PLN. If you have unused funds on your account, in the application provide a bank account number for their return.
You may use the Veturilo system within administrative borders of the city of Warsaw and in the area of cities specified on the website https://veturilo.waw.pl/kompatybilne-systemy-rowerowe/
You may freely commute and ride outside of the area of usage but REMEMBER: finish your ride within the area of usage at a station to avoid calculation of additional fees.
You may freely commute and ride outside of the area of usage but REMEMBER: finish your ride within the area of usage at a station to avoid calculation of additional fees.
Area of return means marked bike stands that constitute a zone in which it is possible to rent and return Veturilo bikes. Information concerning locations of areas of return is available in the mobile application and on the website.
Important! Additional fee of 15 PLN will be charged for returning a Veturilo bike in the area of return, thus, by the marked city bikes but outside of Veturilo station.
Important! Additional fee of 15 PLN will be charged for returning a Veturilo bike in the area of return, thus, by the marked city bikes but outside of Veturilo station.
An O-lock blockade is a mechanism in the form of an O-shaped clamp integrated with the bike frame which secures the bike. After renting the bike, the blockade will automatically open, and it will not be possible to return the bike without locking it. The blockade also secures a bike during the use of “Parking” function. O-lock blockade is mounted on the rear wheel and it remains open through the ride.
Locations of bikes, stations and stands may be found on the website in the “MAP OF STATIONS” tab or in the mobile application.
You can rent a maximum of 4 bike at a time on one account.
Check the correctness of O-lock blockade position – it should not be touching the bike’s spoke. If it does, change the position of the rear wheel.
The bike must be returned at one of the Veturilo stations or within the area of return, thus, at one of the marked bikes stands. Locations of bike stations may be found on the website in the “MAP OF STATIONS” tab or in the mobile application. Bike Return occurs after manual closure of the O-lock blockade.
Check the correct alignment of the rear wheel - it should be aligned evenly with the O-lock, so that it can get around it without touching the spokes.
If you continue to have difficulty returning the bike, contact the Customer Service.
If you continue to have difficulty returning the bike, contact the Customer Service.
Once the O-lock blockade is closed you will hear a characteristic sound signal and the blockade will remain closed – if you did not hear any sound signal and the blockade remains open this means that the bike was not returned correctly. To be sure, we recommend checking the tab “History of rentals” in the mobile application or on the website www.veturilo.waw.pl . Confirmation of bike return in the system may also be obtained through contacting our 24/7 Customer Service.
If you receive a text message informing you of an ongoing bike rental despite having correctly returned the bike you must contact our Customer Service. In case when the fee for bike rental was incorrectly calculated you have a possibility of requesting a correction of charges by means of the contact form. A reply will be sent to you within a maximum of 14 days.
Due to the change in the manner of bike return, that is, liquidation of electric locks and replacing them with O-lock blockades, bikes may be left near stands in the closest to them free space. Remember not to hinder the movement of others when leaving your bike. It is crucial for the return to occur within the area of the Veturilo station or the marked bike stands.
A tandem type of bike is a bike designated for two sitting persons within the set-up one person sitting behind another. A typical tandem bike, similar to single-person bikes, is equipped in one frame and two wheels but each of the two persons has their own handlebar, saddle and pedals. The maximum load capacity of a single tandem type of bike cannot exceed 240 kilograms.
Tandem type of bikes are not assigned to any specific locations; therefore, it is not possible to rent and return them in a standard station or in the area of return. You can check the availability on the map within the Veturilo application or in the “MAP OF STATIONS” tab on the website www.veturilo.waw.pl – we encourage you to use the bike type filters.
The same pricelist as in the case of standard bikes is in place for tandem type of bikes. It is available in the Pricelist tab.
Electric bikes may be rented and returned at any station within the system or in any area of return. Locations may be found on the map of Veturilo applications in the “MAP OF STATIONS” tab on the www.veturilo.waw.pl website.
A different pricelist than in the case of standard bikes is in place for electric bikes. It is available in the Pricelist tab.
The battery charge indicator can be recognized through the colour of the flashing diode on the bike frame. The diode may be green (charged battery), yellow (partly discharged battery) or red (discharged battery).
Yes. If the battery is discharged during rental you will be able to ride the bike as if it was a standard bike. If the battery is discharged and the bike is secured with an O-lock blockade on, you will not be able to rent it.
Parking is a useful function that allows to park the bike without having to return it in the system. All it takes is to use the additional tab called “Parking” which is available in the mobile application.
When leaving a rented bike you should remember to avoid secluded or “risky” areas. Make sure you closed the O-lock and immobilized the bike in such a way so that it stands firmly on its wheels and is supported by a kickstand. The bike must be parked in line with traffic regulations, not hindering bike, road or pedestrian traffic.
No other users will be able to rent the bike that has been left in the parking mode in the course of the ride. In case of attempts to rent such bike by other users they will be notified of bike unavailability.
Parking in the course of bike rental is calculated into the duration of rental.
When leaving a rented bike you should remember to avoid secluded or “risky” areas. Make sure you closed the O-lock and immobilized the bike in such a way so that it stands firmly on its wheels and is supported by a kickstand. The bike must be parked in line with traffic regulations, not hindering bike, road or pedestrian traffic.
No other users will be able to rent the bike that has been left in the parking mode in the course of the ride. In case of attempts to rent such bike by other users they will be notified of bike unavailability.
Parking in the course of bike rental is calculated into the duration of rental.
In the mobile application:
• select PARK,
• read the message displayed on the phone screen,
• lower down the O-lock blockade (it is located on the rear wheel).
• select PARK,
• read the message displayed on the phone screen,
• lower down the O-lock blockade (it is located on the rear wheel).
Yes, however, selecting the “Park” option is not an equivalent of bike return.
In the mobile application:
• select RESUME,
• the O-lock blockade will open automatically.
If O-lock fails to open try to move the wheel so that the spokes do not block the lock movement.
• select RESUME,
• the O-lock blockade will open automatically.
If O-lock fails to open try to move the wheel so that the spokes do not block the lock movement.
Has your rented bicycle been stolen? Inform our Consultant about the incident immediately by contacting the Customer Service.
When an accident or collision occurs during your bicycle rental, write down statements and/or call the police to the scene. Moreover, remember to inform the Customer Service of the incident, within a maximum of 24 hours after the incident.
Provide information including the bicycle number along with a description of the defect through the mobile application, website or contact the Customer Service. Our service will remove the defects as soon as possible, and your report will allow us to intervene even faster! Thank you!
Please note that within the Veturilo system bikes may be located also outside the stations within the area of return. If the rear wheel of the bike is immobilized with the use of the O-lock blockade and the bike is within the area of usage, it does not require any actions on your side. If the bike is not properly secured we will be grateful if you can notify us of this by calling our Hotline and indicating the bike number and its precise location.
Standard bikes are not adjusted to mounting child seats or carrying passengers.
We are willing to declare that the Veturilo operator will strive to expand the system by adding sponsored/umbrella stations in cooperation with companies from Warsaw. In addition, any suggestions for locations of new stations may be directed to the address of the Roads Authority at: [email protected].
You can modify contact data after logging to the Veturilo mobile application, logging on the website www.veturilo.waw.pl , by sending a statement via email, by post to the address of the operator or by contacting our Customer Service. Remember that in case of changes in data made on the account you must confirm the remaining personal data.
Changes of the telephone number may be conducted by logging to your profile on the website of www.veturilo.waw.pl in the ‘Settings and privacy” tab.
The user may submit a request for modification to the operator by sending an appropriate statement via email, by post to the address of the operator or through contacting the Customer Service. Remember that in case of changes in data made on the account you must confirm the remaining personal data.
The user may submit a request for modification to the operator by sending an appropriate statement via email, by post to the address of the operator or through contacting the Customer Service. Remember that in case of changes in data made on the account you must confirm the remaining personal data.
An email address is obligatory if you want to register an account as all changes in the Terms of Service as well as other important information are sent via email. You may ask someone you know to help you set up an email address – it takes as little time as registering in our system.
Other available channels of contact with us include: email submissions, contact form, submission via mobile application, chat or contact through fanpage on Facebook.
The list of cities and towns compatible with the Veturilo system may be found at: https://veturilo.waw.pl/kompatybilne-systemy-rowerowe/.
Remember to return the bike at one of the compatible stations in order to avoid calculation of additional fees.
Remember to return the bike at one of the compatible stations in order to avoid calculation of additional fees.
Of course, you may return a Veturilo bike outside the Area of Usage of the Veturilo system, however, solely at one station in compatible cities or towns. The list of compatible cities and towns may be found at: https://veturilo.waw.pl/kompatybilne-systemy-rowerowe/. Remember that the Veturilo Bike return outside a station or area of return involves calculation of additional fees.
The fee for rental depends on the system to which a given bike belongs. For instance, when renting the Veturilo bike in Piaseczno you will pay in accordance with the Veturilo pricelist. You may check the system name to which a given bike is assigned to on the labels placed on the bike to avoid misunderstandings. The fee for rental will comply with the pricelist for that particular system.
Areas of return are available solely in the Area of Usage of the Veturilo system. Information concerning locations of areas of return is available in the mobile application and on the website.
Returning the bike at a compatible station is free of charge. The list of compatible cities and towns may be found at: https://veturilo.waw.pl/kompatybilne-systemy-rowerowe/.
Yes, the bonus of 5 PLN will be automatically added to your account.